Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


If you have problems with your network connection, you can:

  • Look in our FAQ.
  • Attend our office hours in one of the offices.
  • Call our hotline (0351 89670993). Please pay attention to the notes below.
  • Write us an email. You can find the address on your application form and after you loged in.
  • Use the contact form.

Phone hotline#

We operate a support hotline under the telephone number 0351 89670993. You can see whether the hotline is currently available by looking at the sidebar on the right or at the bottom (on mobile devices).

Office hours#

Consultation hours take place in our offices at the following times:

Borsbergstraße 34 (7th floor) Every Monday 8pm – 9pm
  Every Thursday 8pm – 9pm
Hochschulstraße 50 (ground floor) Every Monday 7pm – 8pm
  Every Thursday 7pm – 8pm
Wundtstraße 5 (ground floor) Every Monday 7pm – 8pm
  Every Thursday 7pm – 8pm
hotline Every Monday 7pm – 8pm
  Every Thursday 7pm – 8pm

Since we are currently short of volunteers, only limited office hours are held. You want to change that? Then come to a team meeting of the team office and support (BuS).

Please check the news for exception of these office hours.