Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dresdner Studentennetz


The AG Dresdner Studentennetz (Workgroup Students Network Dresden) is a voluntary association of students like you. We are operating the network within the majority of the student dormitories in Dresden.

Becoming a member online#

Membership requires a contribution fee. The contribution is independent of the usage of our services.

To become a member of the AG DSN, you need to fill out the online form. The data you enter will be compared with the Studentenwerk Dresden so that we can automatically assign your room.

The allocation will only work if you enter the exact data that is written on the tenancy agreement!

If the verification does not work or you did not receive your tenancy agreement directly from the Studentenwerk Dresden it is possible to skip the verification. A supporter will then process the request manually. Please be sure to follow the instructions you receive by email and send us the necessary documents.

Please contact us if you have any problems during the registration.

The online registration is available under this link:

→ Online registration ←#

Becoming an active member#

The student network was created by students like you and is managed and extended by volunteers. If you are interested in our work, just stop by and take a look. You don’t have to study computer science or the like to participate.

Many interesting tasks are waiting in the areas of managing of network and computing equipment, software development and maintenance, finances, administration, legal matters and public relations. In addition to good references for your curriculum vitae, you get insights into cool equipment on which you regularly don't get your hands on. We would be very glad to welcome you in our team. Just come over to our office hours or one of our team meetings!

You can find more information on our information page.